Blog Posts

22 11, 2023

Workplace Humour: to Joke or Not to Joke

2023-11-22T17:38:37+00:00November 22nd, 2023|

Workplace Humour: to Joke or Not to Joke I was only joking… It’s just a joke… People are so sensitive these days… Geez, can’t you take a joke? How often [...]

19 11, 2023

Leading Change – Perfection isn’t Needed

2024-06-06T18:00:10+00:00November 19th, 2023|

Leading Change – Perfection isn’t Needed When leading a medium to large change in an organization, it’s generally known that there are 7 to 8 change management practices (e.g. building [...]

19 10, 2023

Choosing our Reaction in High Stress Situations

2023-10-19T17:40:24+00:00October 19th, 2023|

Choosing our Reaction in High Stress Situations I recently facilitated a workshop at a client conference.  After the morning keynote address, I quickly ran back to my pre-setup room as [...]

21 09, 2023

Overcoming the Fear of Presenting

2023-09-21T23:26:43+00:00September 21st, 2023|

Overcoming the Fear of Presenting “I saw a thing, a study that said that speaking in front of a crowd was the number one fear for the average person.  I [...]

15 06, 2023

Managing Hybrid Teams

2023-06-17T01:40:24+00:00June 15th, 2023|

Managing Hybrid Teams Hybrid teams come in all shapes and sizes. Organizational policies, along with manager discretion, will inform what they look like and the degree of flexibility that goes [...]

21 04, 2023

When the Unconscious Becomes Conscious

2023-04-21T15:46:15+00:00April 21st, 2023|

When the Unconscious Becomes Conscious I was driving home one day, listening to sports radio like I sometimes do, as the hosts prognosticated on the fate of this city’s favourite, [...]

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