Coaching for Performance

The Gift of Vulnerability

The Gift of Vulnerability I sat in the middle of a meeting room recently, right inside the middle of the u-shaped arrangement of tables and chairs, and asked a group [...]

2022-10-14T01:11:12+00:00October 14th, 2022|

Upward Feedback: How can I help?

Upward Feedback: How can I help? “People don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers.” We’ve heard this over and over again, and it’s true. But the reverse is also [...]

2022-07-14T18:48:02+00:00July 14th, 2022|

Managing in a Remote Environment

Managing in a Remote Environment How does one manage people in a remote environment? Remote teams are actually nothing new but have become mainstream since the beginning of the COVID-19 [...]

2022-06-17T15:52:38+00:00June 17th, 2022|

Coaching the Unconscious Incompetence

Coaching the Unconscious Incompetence The Four Levels of Competence model, developed by Noel Birch in the 1970’s, reinforces how we all have hidden strengths, blind spots and behaviours that we [...]

2022-08-18T18:22:00+00:00January 13th, 2021|

Holding Difficult Conversations

When I discuss how to confront unproductive behaviours with clients, I often hear the question “how do I hold difficult conversations with people?” or “how do I deal with difficult [...]

2017-05-25T22:50:20+00:00September 26th, 2016|
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