Leading Change

Leading Change – Perfection isn’t Needed

Leading Change – Perfection isn’t Needed When leading a medium to large change in an organization, it’s generally known that there are 7 to 8 change management practices (e.g. building [...]

2024-06-06T18:00:10+00:00November 19th, 2023|

Leading Change By Targeting Mindsets (and Hearts)

In Nic's article for the Winter edition of PeopleTalk, he lays out five action steps for managing change, including creating short-term wins and empowering everyone.  We hope you enjoy it! change-management-leading-change-peopletalk-winter-2016   [...]

2017-01-11T19:23:32+00:00January 11th, 2017|

Change Management: the Four Building Blocks

Everyone is talking about change these days, and it seems everyone has a unique model to make it happen. However, this latest article in the recent McKinsey Quarterly describes a [...]

2016-08-09T01:19:04+00:00August 9th, 2016|
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